Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo #3

The partnering event in Tokyo calls for live-streaming presenters

Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo #3


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Life Science Innovation Network Japan (LINK-J) launched the partnering event series “Advanced Therapy Showcase in Tokyo (ATST)” in January 2021. Following the two successful events, Link-J is pleased to announce that the third edition of the series, the ATST#3, is slated for Wednesday, February 1, 2023.

Its format will be the same as its precedents, a virtual event featuring live-streaming company presentations and pre-arranged one-on-one business partnering meetings. The one-on-one meeting will be open on the five weekdays of the week. 

Any entities or individuals engaged in the field of advanced therapy including but not limited to cell & gene therapy, regenerative medicine, nucleic acid medicine, etc. are encouraged to participate in this event to find suitable and relevant partner candidates for their business endeavors.

What’s new in this edition?

For those who register as a company presenter, JST, a spot will be guaranteed for a live-streaming presentation. Please register before this date!

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Date et heure
mercredi 1 février 2023
Commence à 18:00 (Japan)
jeudi 2 février 2023
Fin - 03:00 (Japan)

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LINK-J (Life Science Innovation Network Japan)

--LINK-J (Life Science Innovation Network Japan)--

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